Jun 27, 2009

Excited Emma


This may not LOOK like excitement, but Emma has been waiting for her new shirt to her new PJ's to come out of the dryer...she sat below and watched them dry....since I put them in. She is wrapped up in her "new" Madagascar blanket...both jammies and blanket I scored at garage sales in Twin Falls....for 50 cents each. I wish I could catch the excitement both girls get from getting new jammies...well, new anything actually. So, for a single dollar...I made my little girls DAY...and night. She was SOOO happy when the shirt came out...she danced, and if you know Emma...you know she squeels...its an Emma thing...she did that too ;-) Happy girl.
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1 comment:

Cicely said...

Shoot. I wish I could get Miles to sit still long enough to watch anything in anticipation let alone a dryer. Emma is a sweetheart.