Feb 20, 2009

6 more things

so I was going to check the blog before I tucked myself into my cot here in my prison cell they call the call room here in Cleveland (36ish hours left here)

6 Things Tag

My dear friend kindly tagged me. So here are my 6 random things .

1- Post the rules on your blog.
2- List 6 random things about yourself.
3- Tag 6 people at the end of your post.
4- Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1- I have lived in Fort Wayne Indiana, Cedar Rapids IA, Erie PA, Price UT, Gooding & Jerome ID, various South African cities (mission), Cranberry PA, and Erie PA (second time)

2- I had a 1.8 gpa freshmen year of college (3.95 in HS)

3- my dream house has an actual white picket fence as well as: big deck, swimming pool, large yard, nice trees/landscaping and is on 2+ acres

4- I have done about 50 epidurals and 20 spinals in the last 5 weeks

5- my dad is my hero

6- I still think my wife is beautiful, and I love to see her smile (she has dimples you know)

I am tagging any of the dudes that read this blog or their wife's John/Josh S, Justin, Levi, David, Dan or any of you other boys

1 comment:

Cicely said...

Your dream house sounds like ours. I already have the blue prints drawn in my head.

As soon as we are rich we can build it- I'm thinking around 2045.