Jan 3, 2009

Paul can make posts too!!!!

a long time ago, I was the one posting here before Jolyne took things over.

and yes, I still know how to make posts, and to blog.

if time stamps are working you will see that it is 4am, and I am up!!! such is the life of a student nurse anesthetist. I just finished a 4 hour surgery. We did a femoral artery repair on a 350lb lady that was not very fun. Congestive heart failure, multiple sclerosis, and just a little obese (she was 5'2"). Needless to say things went well enough and she is recovering nicely in the post anesthesia care room. I get to go to sleep soon after I go do a post op round on her and write a note.

hope you went to bed early Jolyne, because you get the little ones today!!


(pic of Paul about to put a big boy to sleep)

1 comment:

jolyne77 said...

Wow, she must have been difficult to intubate at 350, 5'2. Glad it went well.

Sorry you're exhausted this morning. How about you take the next couple days off, you lovely wife will leave you sleep as long as you like...and she's also take care of your puking children. ;-)

PS: Paul, thank you for working so hard for a good education...for yourself, and for us. I love you.
