This was evidently Emmas attempts and fixing her own breakfast. She has always given me a run for my money...and I think will continue too....and cause every grey hair on my head (not like i have any yet). She also made a sea of water and green watermelon toothpaste in the bathroom this morning (I'm talking about a SEA...not a little mess)....and last night ate popcorn salt...yes, right out of the bottle....serves me right for trying to bathe Abby and I. But at her defense, night before last, I dried her hair off after her bath and I took the towel off her face, and she gives me a big old cheesy, toothy Emma smile....and says "I love you Mommy". Sweet sweet girl.
Now Jody,
lets not just blame Emma ....I think you might have mice. It looks like mice nibbles to me.
Looks like Uncle Skip has been around. My cakes always look like that in our home!!!!
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