Sep 23, 2008

Roxy has loved each and every baby

Ohhh Roxy....somedays we're so glad we didn't sell you off at the corner for the highest bidder. This is Roxy and Abby sleeping.....I walked in and found this. Sweet girls (even furry). Its just funny how babies sleep better...and I'm including the dog in this conclusion....they just sleep better when they are touching another being....human or dog. It kind of puts everything in perspective, doesn't it? Love is love, no matter how you slice or dice it. And we know our dog does love our babies....and the recipricate of course.

And kudos going out to Michelle for the 'come to Jesus' talk (thats what Paul always calls those types of conversations). You're right, she's part of our family and getting rid of our dog is just like getting rid of a just can't. I've always said you don't just get rid of your pets, they are part of your family, but the tough got going...and I did indeed think of maybe it might be easier with 3 kids, instead of 4. Sorry're our baby too.
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